Buddha Bowls Cover

What’s Your Eco-Karma Score?


Evaluate your environmental impact and discover how our coconut bowls can help improve your eco-karma.

What’s Your Eco-Karma Score?

Are you ready to find out if you’re a tree-hugging hero or just a part-time planet protector? Take this quiz and discover your Eco-Karma Score! No pressure, but Mother Earth might be watching.

What’s Your Eco-Karma Score?

Question 1:
You’re at the grocery store. Do you:
a) Bring your reusable bags like the eco-warrior you are.
b) Forget your reusable bags but insist on juggling 17 items in your arms to avoid plastic.
c) Shrug and say, “Plastic bags can be reused as trash liners, right?”
d) What’s a reusable bag?

Question 2:
Your neighbor puts a pizza box in the recycling bin. Do you:
a) Kindly educate them about greasy cardboard being non-recyclable.
b) Fish it out and compost it like the sustainability champ you are.
c) Pretend you didn’t see it because confrontation is scary.
d) Add your own greasy box to the pile because recycling is confusing, okay?

Question 3:
You’ve got leftovers from dinner. Do you:
a) Store them in glass containers because single-use plastics are so last century.
b) Wrap them in aluminum foil and promise yourself you’ll reuse the foil later (but forget).
c) Put them in plastic wrap and hope no one judges you.
d) Let them sit out on the counter until they become “nature’s leftovers” (aka compost).

Question 4:
You’re upgrading your phone. What do you do with the old one?
a) Donate or recycle it responsibly because e-waste is no joke.
b) Keep it in a drawer “just in case” until it becomes a tech fossil.
c) Sell it online but accidentally spend the money on fast fashion.
d) Toss it in the trash because you didn’t know recycling electronics was a thing (oops).

Question 5:
You’re thirsty while out and about. Do you:
a) Whip out your trusty reusable water bottle like a hydration hero.
b) Buy a bottled water but promise yourself you’ll reuse the bottle (spoiler: you don’t).
c) Grab a soda can and hope aluminum recycling cancels out your guilt.
d) Drink from a public fountain and feel like an urban survivalist.


Mostly A’s: Eco-Karma Royalty
You’re basically the Beyoncé of sustainability. Keep doing your thing, green machine!

Mostly B’s: Eco-Optimist
You’re trying, and that’s what counts! A little more effort, and you’ll be saving polar bears in no time.

Mostly C’s: Eco-Curious
You’ve got the spirit, but maybe read up on recycling rules before tossing that pizza box, okay?

Mostly D’s: Eco-What Now?
It’s time for an eco-intervention! Start small—maybe Google “recycling” and take it from there.

So, what’s your score? Don’t worry, even if you’re more “Oops” than “Eco,” there’s always room to grow. Now go forth and save the planet—one reusable straw at a time!

What’s Your Eco-Karma Score?

Eco-Sage: Your choices create positive ripples in the world.

Green Guru: You’re on the path to environmental enlightenment

Mindful Mover: You’re making progress on your eco-journey.

Awakening Activist: You’re becoming aware of your impact on the planet.

Novice Nurturer: You’re taking the first steps towards a greener lifestyle.

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