Yoga (2)

What’s Your Mindful Eating Mantra?


Let’s figure out what your inner foodie is really trying to say, shall we?

What’s Your Mindful Eating Mantra?

Question 1:
You’re at a buffet. What’s your first move?
A) Strategically scout the dessert table like it’s a military operation.
B) Grab a plate and pile on whatever looks remotely edible.
C) Start with a salad to “balance things out” (but secretly eye the mac and cheese).
D) Panic because there are too many choices and end up eating bread rolls.

Question 2:
Your ideal snack is:
A) A kale smoothie that tastes like regret but feels like health.
B) Chips. Always chips.
C) Something you can eat while binge-watching your favorite show without looking down.
D) A snack? I’m more of a second-breakfast kind of person.

Question 3:
How do you feel about leftovers?
A) They’re a gift from Past Me to Future Me.
B) I eat them cold, standing in front of the fridge, like a true warrior.
C) Leftovers? Oh, you mean the stuff I forgot about until it turned into a science experiment?
D) I don’t believe in leftovers because I clean my plate like a champion.

Question 4:
Your relationship with food can best be described as:
A) A passionate love affair with occasional guilt trips.
B) A rollercoaster of cravings and regrets.
C) A delicate balance of “treat yourself” and “what have I done?”
D) Food is fuel… but also my best friend, therapist, and hobby.

Question 5:
Mindful eating means:
A) Chewing slowly and savoring every bite (or at least pretending to).
B) Thinking about food all day before devouring it in two minutes flat.
C) Eating with intention… like intentionally finishing an entire pizza by myself.
D) Being present in the moment—especially when dessert arrives.

What’s Your Mindful Eating Mantra?

Your Mindful Eating Mantra Is…

“Chew Slow, Snack Often!”
You’re all about balance. You try to savor your meals, but let’s be honest, snacks are where your heart truly lies. You’re the type to keep emergency chocolate in your bag and call it “mindful preparation.”


“Life’s Short, Eat the Cake!”
You believe food is meant to be enjoyed, not overanalyzed. Mindfulness for you means being fully present when devouring a slice of cheesecake—and maybe even licking the plate (no judgment).


“Fridge Raider Extraordinaire!”
You live in the moment—especially when it’s 2 a.m., and you’re staring into the fridge for inspiration. Mindfulness? Sure, as long as it doesn’t interfere with midnight snacking.

Whatever your mantra, remember: mindful eating doesn’t mean boring eating. Now go forth and conquer that buffet (or snack drawer).

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